Project Execution Plan – Nutritious Meal Programme

The Project : 

The project is to provide nutritious meal such as breakfast, lunch and dinner to under privileged children who are located in different slums or construction sites of your location.  From the centralized kitchen in your location the food will have to be transported in steel containers and will move towards slums every day including Sundays and Public holidays once your NGO becomes self sustainable. However, till you become self sustainable, you should still provide these children nutritious meal Every Sunday and post the pics / videos in social media and also WhatsApp Group in which you are added.  A minimum of 25 children to a maximum of 1500 children can be provided food everyday depending upon your fundraising initiatives.  However to achieve this goal, the following steps have to be taken.

Step 1 :
The first step is to identify 35 deserving children who are in the age group of 3 – 12 years and who are living in slums or at construction sites. They should be within reach and the NGO personnel should visit the site and monitor the progress of the children’s health regularly. This identification will be done through a survey and the format for the same should be sent to the Implementing NGOs by State Head and City Head. When you identify 35, invariably about 25 children only will come for taking food. Having experienced this in Bangalore, we are advising NGOs to identify 35 children and not just 25 children. It is assumed that if you cook for 25 children, it can be served to 40-50 children without any problems. There could be days when only 20 children will come and have food. Any excess food that you may be having on any day may be distributed to the people in the community who are coming forward to have the same.

Step 2 :
Once the survey forms are filled up, the same should be sent to us by courier along with passport size photographs of the children. The expenses incurred in conducting survey, taking photographs and sending the same to us must by borne by the NGO and we consider the same as NGOs contribution towards the project.

Step 3:
Once the survey forms reach us along with the photographs, we will approve and send a confirmation mail to the Implementing NGOs so that they can start providing Nutritious Meal to them.

Step 4:
The Food coupons will be designed and printed by the State Head and City and distritube the same to Implementing NGOs. The control of printing theFood Coupons must lie with Centre / State and City NGOs only. The implementing NGOs should not print Food Coupons on their own. If the City NGO is taking up the role of implementing NGO then the State Head will print the Food coupons for the City Head and distribute the same. Same way, if the State Head takes up the role of Implementing NGO, Centre Head will print the Coupons and send it to State Head. Two months coupon books will be sent and every coupon will be numbered from 1 to 31. The number should be read as date. Yesterday’s coupon should not be brought today to avail the food and similarly tomorrow’s coupon must not be accepted today. The dates will be prefixed by the State / City Head as BSH01 or BCH01 to BSH031 or BCH031. B stands for Bangalore. BG stands for Belgaum.
Coupons are issued to the children in order to ensure that it is the same child coming every day to avail the food. Otherwise, any one will come and have it and the purpose of the project would be defeated. It also brings in discipline and organizing capacity for the children who will learn through this procedure.

Step 5:
During the first 3 months, we are now asking NGOs to serve food only on Sundays and it should be a noon-meal. The meal can either be hired from a Professional Caterer or the same can be cooked by the NGO’s self help group women for whom this creates an employment opportunity. If they are unable to identify any SHGs to do the job, it can be given to any Restaurants / Hotels / Outdoor Catering Service Providers. Menu should be agreed in advance between us, NGO and the Catering Service Provider. It should be in writing and displayed in a board once the regular meal programme begins. Till then it can be done informally.

How to Fundraise ?

Step 1

Every Programme should be video shot and atlest 5 photographs should be taken. This has to be posted in Social Media Accounts, stating that you have a bigger plan to provide such meal to more children provided Donations come to you. Ask for more funds so that you can become self sustainable to meet expenses to provide Nutritious Meal to more children In order to understand how to ask, how to use Social media accounts, you need to go through my LMS (Learning Management System) where more than 100 videos are available for your learning.

Step 2

Once 100 NGOs are associated with us, we will ask for Government Support, CSR Funding Support and Foreign Funding Support. Once we start getting these funds, we will start distributing the same to all NGOs in phased manner.

Step 6:
You need to get into Fundraising Activities. How to do this ? You should keep posting the Nutritious Meal Programme (NMP) in Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube and WhatsApp Groups.
To know how to post it in this social media you should go through my LMS (Learning Management System) which will be shared with you once you make the full License / Affiliation Fee payment. For more details check with your City / State NGO Heads.

Why do we need LMS ?

Our fundraising model is dependent purely on “LMS”. We need to run a mini TV Channel n your location to ensure that you get sufficient funds. Instead of promoting the same through TV Ads or any other ads, we recommend that we open our own TV Channel through Social Media Accounts in those locations where NGOs are implementing our programs.

Name Board

At every location where the program is conducted, name board should be displaced. It can be a simple 3 x 2 ft banner or 4 x 3 ft banner or 6 x 4 ft banner depending on the space availability. Left hand side top corner, No Hungry Child Logo should be printed. Same size, right hand side top corner, the implementing NGOs logo can be printed. A sample creative will be sent on demand. Alternatively, you can do the creative yourself and seek centre’s approval.

When will the program commence ?

Once all the above are in place, you can start the program.

Meet Your Trainer

My name is V Sridhar.  I am the Founder & Promoter of No Hungry Child, a Registered Charitable Trust, opened in the year 2009 with an objective to ensure “No Child in India should go to bed Hungry” I have been reasonably successful in launching Nutritious Meal Programme to about 250 Children and today with the help of different NGOs in about 19 cities, have been able to provide Nutritious Meal to about 21000 children. 

I am working towards providing Nutritious Meal to atleast 100,000 children who are underprivileged and are going to bed without proper food for the day.  

Prior to starting my own NGO, I was helping NGOs in the area of Fundraising.  I stopped in-between supporting NGOs as they were expecting funds from me and if I don’t provide they don’t work on the programme.   Now I have decided to help these NGOs as I have found a winning formula in helping them to raise funds and become sustainable. 


There is no such date frozen.  Whenever you are ready you can start this programme.  

For formalizing association with NHC All India, it is 7th June 2022, 5.00 PM.  If someone 

has missed watching the programme but connects with me later to associate with NHC 

All India, then, if there is vacant spot available, it may be considered.  

The expenses have to be borne by the NGO who is commencing this program in their 

respective State / City / Village.

In North Roti and Dal or Subji and in South Dal Chaval and Subji 

No NHC will not provide Kitchen. The NGO can either manage with their own kitchen or 

they can outsource Caterers who can cook on your behalf and take the responsibility of 

Distribution and Serve the children. 

No only 1 NGO can take the State Head and manage recruitment of 12 City NGOs.  if 

there are 24 cities or more than that under 1 State, then for every 12 City NGOs 1 State 

can be recruited. 

Yes.  Publicity Collaterals / Artworks will be provided by NHC. However, printing of the 

same has to be done by Implementing NGOs 

Yes, more ideas and ways to raise funds will be taught during the special weekly 


State Head NGO will pay Affiliation Fee of Rs. 1.5 Lacs to NHC All India 

City Head NGO will pay Affiliation Fee of Rs. 25000 to State Head NGO.  Max 12 City 

Head NGOs can be recruited by State Head NGO which means, Rs. 3 Lacs revenue 

opportunity is available to State Head NGO.  


Village NGOs will pay Rs. 10000 to City NGO


City Head NGOs can recruit 12 Village NGOs.  Revenue possibility for City NGO is Rs. 

1.2 Lacs.  

Yes possible to share but only after the respective NGO has paid Token Money.  After 

Token Money Payment once the Agreement Draft is shared, the State / City / Village 

NGO has every right to cancel the association and the Token Money paid, will be 

refunded to NGO without any deduction.  

Yes, it will be shared during Weekly Master Class.

Please check Project Execution Document.  Here is the Google Drive Link for the same.


In this document it has been explained that the NGO can either give this opportunity to
SHG Members or hire a Professional Caterer who can supply the food. 

For the payment of Rs. 25,000 or Rs. 10,000 the first and the foremost benefit for them 

is the brand name which they can associate with.  NHC is an established NGO in the 

country.  Second good reason for them is the benefit of getting LMS Access where they 

can learn how to fundraise for their program and they will be part of a large NGO Group 

Third benefit is that they will get funding support from Mother NGO No Hungry Child as 

and when Government Funding, CSR Funding and Foreign Funding comes to them. 

Fourth benefit is that even if the third benefit is not there, they will still get some funding 

support or the other from the City and State NGOs when more and more NGOs join this 

programme by paying an affiliation fee. 

As State Head and City Head, we must impress upon the NGOs that they have to be 

prepared to learn online or hire some computer professional who has basic skills. If they 

still say they are not prepared to learn or hire any computer professional, we should not 

recruit such NGOs as we are totally dependent on Social Media Fundraising only.  

Mother NGO will give fund support as and when Government Funding, CSR Funding 

and Foreign Funding comes to Mother NGO.  Mother NGO will also fund them as and 

when more and more NGOs are recruited.  But to become self sustainable, we will teach 

them how to fundraise and this is the best support any NGO can expect.  The fund flow for them will be every day.  When Mother NGO started, they depended on Online Fundraising only and today the Mother NGO is self sufficient and are growing towards supporting other NGOs also.  This can happen to other NGOs also who are willing to collaborate with NHC.  

Once you sail through one year of association with NHC, from the support the NGO

gets, it will motivate them to renew their relationship with NHC.  Even after building such 

a good relationship with NHC if they still feel it is a burden for them, they have the option 

of leaving the group.

This question is answered in Q 14.  LMS Access will be given to all the NGOs who are 

collaborating with NHC.  They will be part of NHC WhatsApp Group where every Senior 

member will start helping each other.  

Every NGO will always start with a point why should they pay.  Since we are providing lot 

of benefits such as LMS Access, WhatsGroup Association, Weekly MasterClass, 

Funding support they should come to associate with NHC only by paying this Affiliation

Fee.  Every organization has their own policies and our policy is to provide NHC Brand 

name only if they are willing to pay, else, we don’t recruit them.  

Village / Rural NGOs have to become self sustainable.  They have to learn to fundraise 

from Social Media which we will be teaching them through LMS Access.  Apart from this 

they will also get support as and when Mother NGO gets Bulk Funding from 

Government, CSR and Foreign Institutions.

Here is the draft. 


Dear ……………………….


I am ……………… Founder of ………………………. have collaborated with No Hungry Child, Bangalore, with a vision to eradicate Hunger death in this country.  


I hope you will be interested too in this project and express your interest in associating with us in the capacity of City NGO / Rural NGO 


As a City NGO, you will get opportunity to recruit 12 to 36 more NGOs who will be part of your Team who will implement this Nutritious Meal Program by 

paying an affiliation Fee of Rs. 10,000 to you through us.  


You will have a Fundraising opportunity of raising Rs. 1.20 Lacs to Rs. 3.60 Lacs in a span of 3 months time.   Out of this funds raised, you will pay No Hungry Child 

an affiliation Fee of Rs. 25,000.  Please note both City / Rural NGOs and yourself will pay this amount every year, as long as you are associated with this Program.  


If you are interested to know more about this project, please send a token money of Rs. 2500 payable to No Hungry Child and take rights of your City / Rural location.  


The payment of Rs. 2500 should be made to 


No Hungry Child

Kotak Savings Bank Account

SB A/c No 7611862263

IFSC Code – KKBK0008039

Find below the list of collaterals for you to understand more about this organization 


Website –  




YouTube –  


Facebook –  
