How to Raise Rs. 25000 in next 10 days

Discover how every NGO is helping the other in raising funds through my program

Learn how every NGO is helping the other in their activities and are raising funds through my Mentorship Programme.

Join my programme where you can discover how other NGOs are performing. 


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Learn How to raise Rs. 25000 in next 10 days

I conduct a 12 month Mentorship Programme for NGOs in which I teach each and every NGO how you can raise Rs. 10 lacs to Rs. 1 Crore in the next 12 months time.

As soon as some one joins my course by paying Rs. 10,000 I will release one video in which the NGO will learn how to raise Rs. 1 Lac within 30 days.

But there are people who are not in a position to pay up Rs.10,000 and for such people I have brought this interim suggestion that you first learn how to raise Rs. 25,000 within 10 days. Once you are successful in raising Rs. 25000 then it will give you funds to make payment of Rs. 10,000 and take up my 12 months programme.

Just by learning how to raise Rs. 25000 in 10 days time, you cannot withdraw from my 12 month Mentorship Programme. You might be successful in raising Rs. 25000 but if you don’t continue with my 12 month Programme, then you will not be able to fulfill the promise you have given to people who have donated this amount to you.

So before purchasing this course, make up your mind that this is the first step to get into my 12 month Mentorship Programme.

Those of you who have some queries, may reach out to me on my whatsapp no 63668 99996

Wish you all the very Best.


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Meet Your Trainer

My name is V Sridhar.  I am the Founder & Promoter of No Hungry Child, a Registered Charitable Trust, opened in the year 2009 with an objective to ensure “No Child in India should go to bed Hungry” I have been reasonably successful in launching Nutritious Meal Programme to about 250 Children and today with the help of different NGOs in about 19 cities, have been able to provide Nutritious Meal to about 21000 children. 

I am working towards providing Nutritious Meal to atleast 100,000 children who are underprivileged and are going to bed without proper food for the day.  

Prior to starting my own NGO, I was helping NGOs in the area of Fundraising.  I stopped in-between supporting NGOs as they were expecting funds from me and if I don’t provide they don’t work on the programme.   Now I have decided to help these NGOs as I have found a winning formula in helping them to raise funds and become sustainable. 

Learn The Art of Fundraising Now
